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Advocacy resources

Advocacy Reports

The spread of superbugs: Why low- and middle-income countries must act now to tackle antimicrobial resistance

Community-based primary healthcare: The key to unlocking health for all

Dengue: Falling between the cracks

Racing against time: Protecting the gains achieved in malaria control against drug resistance

UK Coalition against NTDs: Annual Report 2014–2015

Malaria: The last mile

Malaria in 2014: An unprecedented opportunity at the dawn of a new era

Advocacy Briefs

Strengthening national preparedness against arboviruses in Uganda: Advancing health sector resilience to tackle future public health threats

From steps to solutions: Advancing podoconiosis prevention and control in Ethiopia

Prioritising the pneumonia and diarrhoea agenda in Ethiopia: Strengthening strategies for child survival

Achieving malaria elimination through public-private-philanthropic partnerships

Strengthening the health system response to pneumonia and other childhood illnesses

Maximising resources for healthcare: Integrating vitamin A supplementation with seasonal malaria chemoprevention

Seasonal malaria chemoprevention: An essential health service for Nigeria

Antenatal care: A crucial tool in Ethiopia’s fight against malaria in pregnancy

Untapped potential: Integrating neglected tropical diseases into primary healthcare

Malaria Consortium and the Sustainable Development Goals

For a smarter way to beat malaria in Africa we need a data revolution

Vector control: The untapped potential for neglected tropical diseases

Health system strengthening: A context-specific approach

Making the case for seasonal malaria chemoprevention

Malaria prevention through insecticide treated nets

Universal health coverage and malaria, neglected tropical diseases and child health

Managing illness through better diagnosis of malaria


iCCM - Filling Health Care Gaps

Pneumonia is preventable and treatable, but deadly

Fighting NTDs: Five years later, five years closer

Beating malaria: mobilising support for a malaria-free future

Filling the gap with community health workers

Présentation de la chimio prévention du paludisme saisonnier

Introducing seasonal malaria chemoprevention

The threat of drug resistant malaria

World Pneumonia Day

Advocacy News

World Health Organization scoping review calls for urgent action to tackle the impact of climate change on malaria and neglected tropical diseases

Malaria Consortium honoured by Ugandan government for contribution to combat malaria

Ethiopia marks another milestone in its pneumonia and diarrhoea reduction plans

Facilitating public, private and philanthropic partnerships is crucial to tip the scales back to malaria eradication

New report outlines community-led approaches as critical in confronting last mile challenges in malaria elimination

UK Government reduce contribution to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

UK must move quickly to match commitments of allies at Global Fund conference

Renewed UK-ASEAN development partnership

Pneumonia research needs significant funding injection to accelerate ending preventable child deaths from the disease

Celebrating success: huge wins in reducing malaria cases and deaths in Uganda as USAID-funded project comes to a close

Malaria Week 2020 – Why integration could be the key to elimination

12 million children set to receive life-saving seasonal malaria chemoprevention

Malaria Consortium to present at inaugural Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia

From bites to bytes: Arantxa Roca-Feltrer discusses malaria surveillance to mark WHO’s 70th birthday

Community-based Primary Healthcare: the key to unlocking health for all

African Excellence Award recognises expertise in project communications

Joint statement: Leading UK aid organisations react to political parties 0.7% commitment to aid

Why the Government must commit to eliminating malaria (Politics Home)

There is no room for complacency in the battle against malaria – DfID Secretary (Politics Home)

‘Dengue is escalating - and it’s not being taken seriously enough’ (Politics Home)

Dengue fever: falling between the cracks of the global health agenda (Politics Home)

Photo story: Innovations for dengue control in Cambodia

Symposium on innovative malaria prevention method held in London

Health systems strengthening critical to tackle 'seemingly endless' global health emergencies (Politics Home)

Success treating severe malaria in Nigeria

Malaria Consortium welcomes strong support for UK aid commitment (Politics Home)

VIDEO: How to defeat one of the world’s oldest and deadliest diseases (Politics Home)

Pneumonia Diagnostics Project shares results at dissemination meetings in Cambodia

World Malaria Day around the world – in pictures

Innovation key to defeating malaria

UK’s commitment to malaria should put disease surveillance at its core (Politics Home)

Unprecedented net gains: the role of insecticidal treated nets in fighting malaria

Dengue fever is rising rapidly yet still neglected, says NGO (Politics Home)

Provincial coordinators in Mozambique learn about social mobilisation for neglected tropical diseases

Strong regional health systems are the answer to infectious disease control

Community level personal protection crucial for malaria elimination in Myanmar

Eight-year programme contributes to significant malaria decrease in Nigeria

Support to National Malaria Programme ends with dissemination event

Malaria Consortium attends first SBCC summit held in Addis Ababa

WHO declares Zika virus a public health emergency